Written By OFFLIGHT - Jean
Last updated About 2 months ago
How to open Command Bar?
In-App Command Bar
You can access the In-app Command Bar on any page within OFFLIGHT. Just hit CMD (Windows - Ctrl) + K
to open the command bar and quickly control OFFLIGHT!
Global Command Bar (Desktop App Only)
You can access the Global Command Bar on any screen of you desktop (not even open OFFLIGHT app) if you use OFFLIGHT desktop app. Just hit CMD (Windows - Ctrl) + Shift + Space
to open the command bar and quickly control OFFLIGHT!
Create Task
You can create tasks from any page using the command bar. When you create a task in the command bar, you can immediately map it to a specific list or schedule it for a certain date and time.
Scheduling Tasks
Supported Date/Time Commands:
Today, Tomorrow: Use "today" or "tomorrow" to quickly schedule tasks.
Day of the Week: (e.g., this, next) Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday.
Relative Date: (e.g., 5 days)
Specific Date: (e.g., 2024/12/25, 9/24, Sep 15, 31 October)
Time: (e.g., 11, 13:00, 4am, 2pm)
Supported Duration Commands:
From time to time: (e.g., from 14 to 16)
: (e.g., 14 ~ 16, 2pm ~ 4pm)
Mapping to a List
To map a task to a list, simply type #
in the Global Command Bar. This will show a list of available lists. Choose the list you want to map the task to.
Create List
You can easily create a new list by typing #
followed by the name of the list you want to create in the command bar.
How to delete command?
If a command is set unnecessarily, simply press the Backspace key to easily remove the command and convert it into regular text included in the title.