Written By OFFLIGHT - Jean
Last updated 3 months ago
You can create a list by clicking the Add list icon on the organizing page or the planning page.
Type 1 - Default List
By default, lists can be created simply by entering a title.
When creating a list with just a title, it will be created with the Auto task count option, which automatically calculates the progress.
For example, if there are 10 tasks in total and 3 are completed, the progress is calculated as 30%.
The calculated progress can be viewed as a pie chart on the left side of the list, and detailed information can be viewed by hovering the mouse over it.
Type 2 - Goal-Oriented List
When necessary, you can create a goal-oriented list by setting a period and target unit.
Entering the period: Enter the start date and end date in the Time period.
Entering the target unit: Click the default unit set to Auto, and select the desired target unit (Number, Percent, Currency), then enter the start value, target value, and current value.
When updating the goal, update the current value.
Updating the goal
You can update the goal value from the 'More options' that appear when hovering over the list.
Hover over the list and click the More options icon.
Click the Edit list menu.
Click the target unit and update the current value.
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