Best practice of OFFLIGHT mobile
Written By OFFLIGHT - Jean
Last updated 3 months ago
Last update : 24-10-25
OFFLIGHT’s mobile version currently serves as a supportive tool to enhance accessibility for PC users. Until the release of mobile version 1.0, we recommend using it alongside the PC version.
Start by setting up your personalized workflow on your PC.
Create lists to structure and organize your tasks systematically.
Integrate tools like Notion, Slack, Gmail, and Jira to centralize communications and tasks from your work environment into OFFLIGHT.
Use recurring tasks and scheduling features to automate routines like "Dashboard review every Monday" or "Workout from 6–7 PM on weekdays."
Using OFFLIGHT as a Work Interface
Download the OFFLIGHT desktop client to use OFFLIGHT as your main work interface.
When you lose focus, check your current tasks in OFFLIGHT to get back on track quickly.
View, respond to RSVPs, and add or edit events in your calendar directly in OFFLIGHT without switching to Google Calendar.
Quickly open linked content without searching, using direct links from integrated tasks.
Set Gmail to fetch all emails, so you can view new messages directly in OFFLIGHT without switching to Gmail.모바일 앱을 잘 활용하는 방법
Best Ways to Use the Mobile App
During a busy morning, quickly plan your tasks on your phone.
While commuting, review unfinished tasks and remaining inbox items from the previous day to plan your day efficiently.
Record tasks anytime, anywhere with the OFFLIGHT mobile app.
If you think of something to do and don’t have a PC available, add tasks quickly using the mobile app.
Access linked tasks directly from the quick links feature to reply to emails, open Notion for edits, or go to a Linear page without extra steps.
😉 Soon, mobile widgets and a feature to share messages and links to OFFLIGHT will make it even easier to capture tasks instantly.