Written By OFFLIGHT - Jean
Last updated About 1 month ago
You can easily switch to a different subscription plan via the Settings → Plans page.
Select a plan other than your current one and click the Switch to ~ Plan button.
The subscription will be switched without requiring additional card registration.
Plan changes will take effect after the current subscription ends.
If you switch from a monthly subscription to an annual subscription, the change will apply after your monthly subscription ends.
If you switch from an annual subscription to a monthly subscription, the change will apply after your annual subscription ends.
During the free trial period:
Plan changes will take effect on the free trial’s expiration date.
If you start an annual subscription on December 17, 2024, and your free trial ends on December 31, 2024:
Switching to a monthly plan before December 31 will apply the change starting December 31.
Switching to a monthly plan after December 31 will apply the change starting January 1, 2025.