Written By OFFLIGHT - Jean
Last updated 3 months ago
🚧 Todoist integration is now on alpha release. Additional filters and option will be updated.
How to integrate Todoist workspace
On the Settings > Integration page, click the “+” button next to the Todoist integration section.
If you haven't logged into the Todoist website before, log in to the account you want to integrate.
Once logged in, you'll be automatically redirected to the authorization settings page. Click the Agree button to complete the authorization.
Importing Todoist tasks
In the alpha version, Todoist tasks are automatically imported to OFFLIGHT under the following conditions:
Tasks created in Todoist, regardless of the project, will be imported into OFFLIGHT.
Only tasks created after the integration will be imported; tasks created in the past will not be imported.
Sync Option
From Todoist to OFFLIGHT
When a task is created in Todoist, it will also be created in OFFLIGHT.
When a due date is set for a task in Todoist, the corresponding task in OFFLIGHT will have a planned date set.
When a task is marked as complete in Todoist, it will also be marked as complete in OFFLIGHT.
When a task is deleted in Todoist, it will also be deleted in OFFLIGHT.
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